Tight Guest Room

This small guest room could only accommodate little more than a king size bed in front of a bank of windows along its south-facing wall. This emphasized the importance of light control and creating visual interest upon entry into the room.

Location: Athens, GA

Designer Credits: Cassy Young, AAS, Allied ASID

Project Overview:

A guest room should always feel inviting – no matter its size. Through the selection of neutral tones and an array of textures, the designer was able to create a space that makes you feel immediately at home. A metal framed bed takes the central position in this space. There is a lightness to it that allows it to be an anchor yet not overpower all other selections in the room.

The bedding is a mix of linens, cottons and velvets. Wooden nightstands are situated on both sides of the bed and provide ample storage for any guest. Linen natural woven cordless shades are the epitome of form follows function. There was never a question if these windows needed the ability to be covered but through selecting a neutral toned, texture shade, they’re both useful and attractive.

Tight Guest Room